Monday 16 March 2015

Car Crash Location Work Diary

Work diary

From the last session where I chose to recreate a murder scene, I mixed it up slightly and chose to create a car crash. We drove and found a quiet road where Nathan drove his car onto the curb and Brad laid slightly underneath it. I took photos from inside the car from the perspective of Nathan and from Brad on the floor. I took photos of Nathan grieving and trying to wake Brad up. Overall it was a great shoot, I definitely got some great angles and everything fell into place very nicely. 

This was my favourite shot from the session, I feel like the cigarette adds something to the picture. I wanted to clone some smoke into the picture but I couldn't find any smoke good enough. I like the way Nathan is leaning over Brad and the whole composition of the photo.

This is also a photo from the shoot that I really liked, in this shot Nathan is grieving on his car. I tried my best to take it from Brad's perspective, and I am very happy with the outcome of the photo.

For next time, I think I'll try something again with the car but I'll use Nathan as a serial killer and putting someone in his boot or something, I'll leave fake blood on the floor and a murder weapon of some sorts. 

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